
Extended Summer fun and pix.

Hi there friends,

Here we are in September and I just returned from a getaway for a friend's 50th in Mexico. It did feel like it extended the summer for my soul a little. But it was a strange getaway as I am used to travelling with a group of friends who know me well, or gents who know me even more intimately:) So! being amongst a large group where only a few people are aware of V Sway, it was interesting navigating the waters with those people I like to refer to as "normals"...Thank Goddess there were many gays on holiday with us who don't have hangups about status and have lots to talk about outside of the tired: "what do you do for a living" icebreaker. But being among so many normals reminded me why I will always be outside the sphere of tolerable company in certain crowds. People are terrified of what they don't understand or have a stigmatized idea of...even engaging in conversations about my passion for wine proved to be quite challenging with certain individuals! Despite investing years in wine scholar courses and travelling extensively for wine research and procurement, my efforts to encourage those who view wine as a status symbol to explore lesser-known grapes and regions were met with mansplaining of Robert Parker's point system! haha...in any case, I am back in TO for the foreseeable future with serious gym time and more wine and chef courses coming up in autumn and winter. Here are some fun pix from Mexico. Hope I get to see some of you in Toronto for a catch-up. I look forward to being amongst like-minded folks again:)