
Warmer Climes

Off to warmer climes soon...When i return I am going to do some traveling to see some friends that have not been able to make it to TO. Obviously not to the states...we all know why at this point! But I am thinking of making trips out west this spring and out east! Halifax is on the horizon. And Vancouver as always....But possibly mid west. If you are from Alberta please do reach out. I am interested in making another trip back to Edmonton and Calgary. If it makes sense. Email or text to let me know if you would like to meet! Let's make some memories again friends:)

Saturday Feb 24th:

I am finishing up an Ontario wine course and I have learned a ton. I have explored Ont wine quite a bit in the last year by traveling to wineries and tasting with my mom in tow...but this in depth learning has given me a deeper appreciation for the complexity we can get from our soils and topography here. And it has widened my search area for where to buy property in the escarpment region. I didn't realize such lovely wine could be made in Vinemount ridge. Working diligently to get this piece of property by at least the end of 2025...Here are a few of my fave wines I have enjoyed over the last little while. Check them out. Or better yet, bring one over and we can drink it together!

January 5th: 2024....

So we begin a new year....reflecting on what this year holds and what was not accomplished from the year past. I went back to finally finish editing one of the peep show box videos. When i pulled it up...I realized it was pretty much finished. It needed music and an ending. As so many things have changed since i made the video in the first place. It was the end of the pandemic when we made the piece. And the ending was going to be about an artist not wanting to make art about the pandemic bc we were so over it by the time it was over. But now i realize that the pandemic changed so much more about all of us in the city. Change that is irriversible...the squeezing of those that are just getting by...those who make a good living even. The monopolies that overrun the small businesses that use to line our walking streets, but now are few and far between bc noone can afford storefront rent. I will definitely be changing the ending of the film.

I had also stopped editing bc a dear friend had passed away from an accidental overdose and i witnessed it. It changed my life, and obviously her husbands...in a very real way. I have made some decisions about having more privacy and space in my life. And ultimately wanting to find a place outside the city to escape to. Somewhere else to put down roots. As this city gets more and more congested and harder to live in, i know i will be working toward this goal this year. I will never fully be completely out of TO, but i know it is not enough.

A little pic from the film you will be able to see on my vimeo and socials soon. Happy new year:)

Friday Nov 17th: Fetish Fun!

I feel like it will be a cold winter... But what always warms things up for me is a good old fetish event! I have been attending these parties in Toronto and world wide since i was 21 years old:) My best friend Bradley bought me my first piece of leather back then and i have been playing dress up ever since. Latex, leather, chain mail, lingerie, hosiery.... A fun time is had when you can finally dress up in TO especially...(people are all so casual here) Getting out to see the crew of like minded heathens who enjoy a little sensual dress up is tons of fun. There is always someone in pony gear, and somebody wearing a diaper walking about. And then you see the famous floggers doing their thing in the dungeon, with their subs enjoying the domination and the exhibitionism of being out in the open and on display. Sometimes it is the only thing that gets us through the long dark city winters.....

Here are some photos from past fet dress ups to present:)

Tuesday Nov 7th: Preparation for Winter....

Winter is not my favourite. I like warmth and sun and not wearing so many clothes all the time. I like being outside and getting exercise. This time of year is when i start thinking about getting away....But! i am in the middle of culinary 101 and knife skills! And in the new year i will be full force in a butcher course. Hoping I will be able to get some away time before it begins in 2024. And then....finally will be on the lookout for some property outside of TO. I will always have a place in toronto. But it is clear that it is not enough. From my past travels:

Tuesday Sept 12th: Okanagan Debacle!

Just returned from my wine escape to south Okanagan....Even though the fires were kept at bay, there were many other roadblocks...literally. A couple days before we got on the plane, there was a massive rock slide on the one highway that easily takes you from Kelowna to Osoyoos where we were spending the bulk of our trip. Although the trip was more stressful then it ever has been before because of travel issues....the entire OK was pretty much empty and we had all the wineries to ourselves! I discovered some new wineries and vintners like this woman from Okanagan Falls: Heidi's Peak Winery We got to meet her and try her wine. So much innovation in biodynamic and organic wine making in the OK. I am inspired by these farmers. I am even more determined now to find a piece of property to homestead on. Food sustainability is not something we can depend on being looked after by our government. And the more i meet these farmers who are taking matters into their own hands, the more i want to do the same!

Monday Aug 28th: dress up - OutHere Toronto

Even though I spend the majority of my time in workout clothes, I do get to hit a lovely dinner out every so often!

My friend Marcus came by yesterday and he brought a ton of dresses for me to try on. He buys in Brazil and brings to his clients in Miami and toronto. The dresses are quality and the fabrics are stunning. I usually do this with him once a year so I can give some of my older pieces away if they don’t fit anymore, and have some updates classics in my closet…for dinner dates! As much as I would rather be somewhere warm all winter, the facts are: Canada is my home…:) So it’s great to have options for when you might go out for a nice meal. Here are just a few pix from the ones I decided to take. Who wants to do a little dinner out with me this fall or winter? 💥💥

Friday Aug 18th: Privacy

It has been a really meditative summer. Farm school, volunteering, biking around the city and tooling around lake huron. I am much happier being underground instead of endlessly advertising and promoting myself on social media.... I made the decision to stop advertising and just put my energy into the people I already know and enjoy their company. The longer I have been away from the social media promotion game, the more i enjoy the concept of privacy. I would much rather spend my energy on those I have made a great connection with, and develop those relationships. I am glad you are here:)

Thursday July 27th: Instagram disabled account

I have spent the last month trying to get back into a locked out instagram account that i started 9 years ago. The account was disabled apparently because of the possible three things:

selling sexual services (my account has been wiped clean of that sort of thing for a very long time)

sexually explicit photos (the one photo that they might have had a problem with is below)

Considering the profiles i have seen that have been incredibly more sexually suggestive than this, I believe this is more about erasing women courtesans from the platform. Even though i have disappeared myself from social media as an escort, I am still vilified.

And we wonder why women have to go underground at some point in their professional lives in this community. There is no room for growth or change as far as the larger population is considered.

I have created a new instagram: https://www.instagram.com/veronicasway2.0/

I will be reposting the videos and shoots from over the years and of course being more careful about who can follow my movements. So if you choose to follow, DM me to let me know that you are a member here!

Thursday July 13th: Out West getaway

You don’t realize how much you need a trip to nature until you’re fully immersed in it…I just got home from a week in BC. One night in Vancouver, to remind me how congested Toronto is :s

Then on a seaplane to the island. Met a dear friend of mine that moved to Port Alberni from Vancouver about three years ago. We spent the week frolicking in the wild. Picking vegetables and herbs from her garden and repairing meals, drinking wine, learning how to plant bulbs and transplant sunflowers. Took a boat ride on a lake just outside of town and floated in the deliciously fresh water while staring up at Mount Aerosmith. Made it to Tofino and walked her dog on the long gorgeous sand that sweeps the landscape.

Those that know me well, know I’ve been inching closer to finding respite outside our city. Not sure where I will land yet, but at some point I’ll have a clearer picture or how I can City Mouse/Country Mouse.


Friday June 9th: Why Only Fans is not my cup of tea...

I woke from a dream this morning realizing why the OF experiment eventually fell flat for me....The platform favours consumption over creativity.

When the pandemic hit and I immersed myself in making vids for the platform...it felt new, exciting and got my creative juices flowing. I was using some fave songs that made me feel sexy and I loved finding different angles and outfits to film in my little box in the sky. Within 6 months of doing OF I felt bored. Endless content creation over real experience was not for me.

My dream last night was about forced labour. There is no world where I want to live that i do work only for profit, without any joy or pleasure. I am now working on building skills that are fun to learn, and my creative sparks are flying again. I know that some of you know me well, and understand this about me, and so many creative people: we need stimulation! And building experiences for people is where I will always put my priority. I will do this in my next chapter that is percolating now as well....When we see each other I can tell you in more detail how this will play out!

Here are some pix from the show I did with Manifesto the other eve for the opening of Luminato Festival TO. I rarely do stage performance anymore, but I am happy to be a backup dancer for a dear friend and watch as his creativity flourishes with this project.

Thursday May 18th: Farming fun

So i have been debating about making a move to Country Mouse, City Mouse....I love TO, but ultimately I think that this city has changed in ways that disconnects instead of brings people together. I have been doing a ton of farm learning since i finished my wine courses over the last while. And when I find the right place....I believe i will make a purchase in wine country! I miss a community congregating haven. So i think i have to build it:)

Friday May 12th: Reminder of why only trusted friends are in my inner circle now....

Today I was reminded that the only people to trust, are the ones you know. I decided to stop seeing new people...but thought I would entertain the idea of one last new person that seemed promising. Unhappily, my spidey senses were off.

There is a certain amount of trust that must happen with both parties. We exchange emails, maybe meet for a coffee, and once there is an amount of comfort, we make plans. In the climate these days....with bank accounts being closed because of Only Fans accounts and women all over being deported from borders just for suspicion of moral turpitude...we must proceed with even more care about who we bring into our lives.

There is no real way to be anonymous. But I never wanted to exchange time with people as an anonymous mysterious person. I am real, and I have laid my life out for all to see. Because I have no shame in who I am. . You are the people I trust with my story. Thank you for being here.

April 28th: Went to see live theatre last night...

It was great being in a black box theatre. And sometimes, the lights going down is the most exciting part. Which happens as it did last night. Yes the piece started fairly strong. But I have to admit, I like watching people on stage that command your attention. The current vibe in non commercial theatre is what they call "casual performance." It is inclusive. But not in a way that makes you want to watch. That might sound terrible, but it is true for me, and I think many people I sat with in that audience. I miss theatre, that inspires. I will keep trying though. Anyone want to come watch some mildly disappointing theatre with me? We can have a drink after and discuss:)

For fun, here is a link to a video on my private vimeo account of me, many moons ago doing a fave burlesque routine at Lee's Palace. Enjoy! /822080667?share=copy

April 24th: I passed the winemaking fundamentals exam with distinction!

I have been studying wine history and geography for the last 5 years. I decided to take the wine learning in a more hands on direction and study the chemistry of winemaking. It was definitely a challenge as I am not a science person, but knowing the real steps and formulas was very insightful. I received a mark of 96% on my exam! Next stop: this summer I am in farm school. I am also doing my forklift training (important for working a vineyard) and a more focused learning on California and Georgian wine.

Although I have lots of plans for this summer, I still have time to meet with trusted friends....Send me an email and let's talk wine among other things:) mistressv@hushmail.com

April 21st, out west plans....:

I am planning on being out west this summer. Dates pending, but if you will be out that way or are there already...send me a note! Would love an extra excuse to have a little fun:)

I plan on wine concierging friends to the Okanagan this summer as well. If you happen to have a couple days to yourself and fancy an expertly curated away date with wine and whimsy...get in touch!

I have the contacts and experience to make for a great escape in interior BC. Let's make some memories:)